Sunday, September 27, 2009

On the name "Ramblings on Motherhood"...

So I like to ramble...about anything and everything. I also have this problem with being unable to shut my brain off. I think a lot. I think too much. It's always been an issue. But if you didn't know me - at least like my husband and parents know me- you wouldn't even know I had this problem. It's not so much that I like to ramble in my talking, it's that I like to ramble in my thinking. And since I am a mother, most of my thinking is about motherhood...hence the title "Ramblings on Motherhood". At random moments I get these thoughts and think hmmm...I should share this, maybe someone else could identify with it, laugh with it because more and more I am realizing just how alike we all are...especially us mothers.

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