Monday, April 5, 2010


I can't keep up with printing, storing or even organizing our photos. I can never get ahead. I'm always behind. I remember thinking "I'll never have stacks of unsorted photos in boxes like my mom" but alas, the same has happened to me, and worse...hundreds of pictures on our memory many that I've stopped taking pictures because I don't want to delete any more. I tried storing our pictures on Winkflash and Shutterfly but even with that, I fall behind. I'm starting to think this may be a battle I just can't win.


  1. You need to get a back up external hard drive. We do a backup of our photos there and then we burn our iPhoto library to discs, too. :) :) Then delete that memory card. (My pet peeve is trying to import photos only to have it last forever bc there are so many photos on it!) Tee hee!
