Thursday, October 22, 2009


How easy is it to not play with your child? I mean, really get down there on the floor and imagine and play like a child? It's really hard for me, I always have something else I want to be doing or something else I am thinking about.  And so often I find myself multi-tasking even when I am cleaning up my daughter's bedroom while trying to be a dog so she doesn't know I'm not really playing.  But for some reason, I always feel like I'm cheating her on something when I'm not fully there (which happens to be quite a bit).  I feel like I'm not really there with her.  How bad is it that I have to actually force myself to play, really play, with her. I hate that.  Shouldn't you want to forget all the rest of life and be a kid for awhile? Well, I'm working on it. Every day trying to set aside time to do nothing else, to let her room be a mess and not care. And I'm trying to laugh more with her, to be silly and carefree and to let her be silly too, which doesn't come easy either. If anyone has pointers on any of this please let me know.


  1. I struggle with the exact same thing! All too often I am silently scolding myself for not being completely present.

  2. Here's a thought:

    Imagine you are the Nana and not the Mom---because once you are a Nana you realize that the dirty room, the next task, and all the other "urgent" and sometimes necessary stuff really can wait---so be a Nana now : ))
